A Family Orientated Tennis Club in Finchley Central

The Avenue Tennis Club Juniors Logo

Junior Coaching Groups Spring 2025


6th January to 6th April for 12 weeks
Excluding half term (17th - 23rd February)

Booking & Paying by Card
We use LTA 'Clubspark' for booking and Card payments.

The 'Book' button takes you to Clubspark, you will be asked to create an account, unless you already have one.

Please Note
When creating your Clubspark account use your own name and then add your child as a player.

 Day Time Ages Avenue
 Monday 16.00 - 16.55 6 - 8
£144 £204 Button Text
 Monday 16.00 - 16.55 8 - 10
£144 £204 Button Text
 Monday 17.00 - 17.55 U12 - U17
£144 £204 Button Text
 Monday 17.00 - 17.55 7 - 9
Invitation Only
£144 N/A Button Text
 Monday 18.00 - 18.55 U14 - U17
Girls Yellow
£144 £204 Button Text
 Tuesday 16.00 - 16.55 6 - 8
£144 £204 Button Text
 Tuesday 16.00 - 16.55 7 - 9
£144 £204 Button Text
 Tuesday 16.00 - 16.55 9 - 10
£144 £204 Button Text
 Tuesday 17.00 - 18.25 U12 - U14
Performance Invitation Only
£216 N/A Button Text
 Tuesday 18.00 - 19.25 U14 - U17
Performance Invitation Only
£216 N/A Button Text
 Wednesday 17.30 - 19.00 U14 - U17
Performance Invitation Only
£216 N/A Button Text
 Thursday 16.00 - 16.45 4 - 5
£144 £204 Button Text
 Thursday 16.00 - 16.45 6 - 8
£144 £204 Button Text
 Thursday 17.00 - 18.25 U12 - U14
Performance Invitation Only
£216 N/A Button Text
 Thursday 18.00 - 19.25 U14 - U18
Performance Invitation Only
£216 N/A Button Text
 Friday 15.30 - 16.55 6 - 8
Invitation Only
£216 N/A Button Text
 Friday 16.00 - 16.55 10
£144 £204 Button Text
 Friday 16.00 - 16.55 U12 - U18
£144 £204 Button Text
 Saturday 09.00 - 09.55 6 - 8
£144 £204 Button Text
 Saturday 09.00 - 09.55 7 - 9
£144 £204 Button Text
 Saturday 09.00 - 09.55  9 - 10
£144 £204 Button Text
 Saturday 09.00 - 09.55 U12 - U18
£144 £204 Button Text
 Saturday 10.00 - 10.55 7 - 9
£144 £204 Button Text
 Saturday 10.00 - 10.55 U12 - U18
£144 £204 Button Text
 Saturday 11.00 - 11.55 6 - 8
£144 £204 Button Text
 Saturday 11.00 - 11.55 U14 - U18
Invitation Only
£144 N/A Button Text
 Sunday 18.00 - 18.55 U12 - U18
£144 £204 Button Text


Player/Coach Ratios
All player/coach ratios are kept well within the LTA recommended guidelines.

Payment by Childcare Vouchers
Sally accepts Childcare Vouchers, so please let her know which Childcare Voucher provider your employer uses.

This is what you need to do:

1. Book the course via this website using a card.

2. Then using your Child Care Vouchers, pay the same amount again plus £5 admin fee.

3. Send the confirmation that the vouchers have been paid to Sally with the addition £5 and she will refund your first payment via the website.

4. The sooner you use the vouchers, the sooner the refund is made.

All the different providers have their own unique systems, so these are the policy/reference details that you require for each provider.

Sally's details:
Ofsted number: EY 466508
Computershare registration number: 0018538570
Edenred Child Care Voucher number: P20819923
Care-4 number: 34622561
Sodexo number: 835627
RG Childcare number: 34147169833
Sodexo policy number: 835627
Co-operative Child Care Vouchers: 85110294

For Allsave you will need Sally's Ofsted number and her bank account details, please send Sally an email and she will let you have them.

The following just require Sally's Ofsted number:
Corporate Childcare Solutions
You at Work

Guest Fees
If the player is not a member of The Avenue Tennis Club there is a small quest fee for all lessons held at The Avenue, this is included in the price of the lessons for non-members.

Bad Behaviour
Bad behaviour will not be tolerated and children will be asked to leave a course with no refund, if behavior does not improve following a warning.

Cancellation Policy
Courses cancelled before the course starts will be subject to a 20% cancellation fee.

Courses cancelled during the course will receive no refund.

If a child misses one day due to other appointments, parties, illness etc, there are neither refunds nor replacement lesson.

For private 1-2-1 lessons, you must give 24 hours notice or expect to pay for the lesson. Without 24 hours notice, your coach cannot always get a replacement, so if they are not given ‘reasonable’ time to do so, you will have to pay for the lesson. Please offer this payment at your next lesson.

Wet Weather Before a Lesson
If the weather is deemed too bad to start the lesson, a notice will go on the 'Weather Status' page of this website. Click on the umbrella and you will be taken to the weather status page. If the lesson is to be cancelled completely this is where there will be a notice. If a parent is in doubt and does not have internet access, they can TEXT the coach. Please do not ring and leave messages.

If a lesson is completely cancelled due to bad weather it will be replaced by a make up lesson at the end of the term or half term. Because our terms usually run for 11 or 12 weeks it does not always leave a week for a rollover lesson, therefore make up lessons may have to be in the holidays at one of the tennis camps. (There are at least 10 weeks from which to choose, however it is necessary to book the lesson as different weeks and days will have differing availability) No replacement lessons can be carried from one season to the next.

Wet Weather During a Lesson
If weather makes the courts unsafe and therefore unplayable at the beginning of the lesson or during the lesson, we will complete the lesson doing tennis-specific fitness exercises or table tennis inside the pavilion.

Refunds will not be given if a session is missed due to your decision not to attend, including parties, travel, holidays, illness and religious festivals. Also please do not ask if your child can do a 'make up' session due to a missed lesson. This cannot be done as I keep all sessions within the LTA player/coach ratio guidelines. You would not be happy if two extra people kept turning up for one of your child's lessons thus upping the ratio.

Individual Lessons
These can be arranged at a time to suit you for one or more players, junior or adult Email: sally@avenuetennisclub.co.uk

Adult Lessons
Sally runs various groups including 'Just Turn Up & Play' Groups. More details can be found on the Adults Page.