A Family Orientated Tennis Club in Finchley Central

The Avenue Tennis Club Adults Logo

Adult Tennis Teams

Would you like to play in one of our teams?

We currently have two men's doubles teams, three women's doubles teams and a mixed doubles team in the winter.

If you would like to play in one of the adult teams, it is recommended that you join the adult team training sessions, which run for 6 weeks, during the Autumn and the Spring.  Contact Sally our Head Coach for more information:

07958 758580


Individual Lessons

Individual lessons can be booked by contacting Sally on 07958 758580 or email sally@avenuetennisclub.co.uk

Private lessons are £40 - £50 an hour but if young juniors want half an hour or 45 minute lessons, we can arrange this too.


Adult Group Drop in Coaching – Time and Costs

Tuesday Social Play 09.30 – 10.30
Drills and skills + Match Play - £10 + Guest Fee (non-members are invited once to this drop in before joining)

Tuesday Beginners Group 19.30 - 21.00
£15 + Guest Fee (guests can attend four times before joining) 

Wednesday Spanish Drills 08.00 – 09.00
Lots of running - Less technique! £10 + Guest Fee (non-members are invited once to this before joining)

Friday Social Play 14.00 – 15.00
Drills and skills + Match Play - £10 + Guest Fee (non-members are invited once to this drop in before joining)

Saturday Improver Drop In 08.00 - 09.00
£10 + Guest Fee (non-members are invited to this drop in up to 4 times before joining) ONLY IN THE SUMMER

Sunday Rusty Racquet/Improvers 17.00 – 18.00
8 Places £10 + Guest Fee (non-members are invited to this drop in once before joining)

All drop-in sessions have a maximum of 8 players.  First come, first served basis

Guest Fees
New potential members are invited to attend coached drop in sessions and pay a guest fee of £5.

Members can also bring a guest once.  The member is responsible for paying the £5 guest fee which needs to be paid into the club’s bank account.  Sally will give you the details.  sally@avenuetennisclub.co.uk

WhatsApp Group
The club also has active WhatsApp groups where members find doubles and singles games any time of morning, afternoon and evening. The club is very social and easy to mix, mingle and meet other members with very active ladders for men and women for singles and doubles.

Saturday Afternoon Social Play
We also have members adult social play on Saturday afternoon where you can just turn up at 2pm - 4pm and get a game, mixing in with others on an informal basis. And a club night on Thursday evening from 7.30pm - 9.30pm, mixing in with others on an informal basis.

Subs Reduction
All adult subscriptions are pro-rata’d throughout the year, so if you join in July you only pay for July to March.