We have 5 Adult teams, 7 Junior teams, drop in sessions throughout the week where you can be guaranteed a hit. Lots of coaching sessions, group or private, social play, team practice, match practice.
Contact our coach Sally Bentley sally@avenuetennisclub.co.uk and she will meet you and show you around.
Our Tennis Year
The year runs from 1st April until 31st March.
Joining the Club Today
There are no entrance fees.
To join please use this link:
Join Now
Membership | Age | Description |
1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025 |
Adult Full | 25 & Over | Full adult members can use the courts any time | £295 |
Adult Off Peak | 25 & Over | Off peak adult members can use the courts Monday to Friday up until 4pm | £186 |
Couples Full | 25 & Over | Full couples members can use the courts any time | £440 |
Couples Off Peak | 25 & Over | Off peak couples members can use the courts Monday to Friday up until 4pm | £290 |
Family | Children Under 18 | Family membership is for 2 adults and up to 3 juniors. | £595 |
Over 70s | 70 and Over | Full adult members can use the courts any time | £115 |
Junior 1 | 13 & Under | This is for junior players up to the age of 8. They have priority on the junior court | £65 |
Junior 2 | 14 - 17 | This is for juniors of 9 - 17 years old. They can use the courts any time | £95 |
Student & Under 25 | Student members can use the courts any time and must have proof of being a full time student | £115 | |
Parent | This membership is for parents to play with their children using the Junior Court Only, so ideal for parents with children under 9 or 10 | £50 |
Discounted Subscriptions
All adult subscriptions are pro-rata’d throughout the year, so if you
join in July you only pay for July to March.
New Members
We use the LTA 'ClubSpark' system for registering new members and for
collecting subscriptions. The ONLY way to sign into ClubSpark is by
using an LTA log in. To obtain an ‘LTA Advantage’ number which is FREE
go to Join
Advantage | Tennis Membership Benefits | LTA
This log in will then be your log in for booking courts so it is essential that you have and remember these details.
If you are joining for your child you must make the LTA Advantage in YOUR name, then ADD your child. You can use the same username for yourself AND your child, but YOU as the adult must be the primary user
You will be taken to the ClubSpark website and asked to create an account.
Payment is made via 'GoCardless' which is a one off direct debit from
your bank account, this attracts less commission than card payments and
allows us to keep the subscriptions to a minimum.
British Tennis Number
It is suggested that all members have an LTA British Tennis Number, it
is free to join and gives you the opportunity to go into the public
ballot for Wimbledon tickets.
To get an LTA British Tennis Number, please click on the logo.
You will be given a number which can then be added to your account with ClubSpark.
Flood Lights
The court flood lights have to be paid for by using tokens
which cost £6 per hour. Tokens can only be purchased via the
subscription page on the website. They are only sold in sets of 5 for
£30. Once you have paid, Sally will contact you to get the tokens to
Club Keys
Once you have joined our head coach Sally Bentley will arrange to meet
you at the club and give you your keys. There is a £15 deposit for a set
of keys which can be paid via the
Clubspark subscriptions page.
If you need any further information please contact Sally via our contact page.
Subs Reduction
In September each year, the subscriptions reduce by 50% until April the
following year.
Guest Fees
New potential members are invited to attend coached drop in sessions and
pay a guest fee of £5 but they can only come once as a guest to try out
and see the club.
Members can also bring a guest once. The member is responsible for paying the £5 guest fee which needs to be paid into the club’s bank account. Sally will give you the details. sally@avenuetennisclub.co.uk